Mongolia – a few facts  / like being in school again 

The country counts 3 million inhabitants, 1 million are in the capital, 90% are Buddhists, they love eating meat, vegetarians are increasing in number which is a very big thing considering that eating vegetable isn’t really in people’s mind set. 

I had my fist milk tea with salt – the second tasted already better. Amazing many  German products can be found in supermarket shelves.

Before the communists “cleaned up” the country had over 800 monasteries with 100.000 monks. Today they are around 100 and most of them are rebuild. 

I have been told that there is a distinction between real shaman and the ones that only do it for money, which made me wonder in which category the ones fall that tour Berlin, in addition to all the other masters of happiness. 

While I am writing this I am driving through the desert, listening to an uplifting song and feeling super thankful and blessed to be able to see and experience all that. (Two Boddies, Flight Facilities) 


2 Comments Add yours

  1. Interesting image.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. BB says:

      Thanks. More to follow as I start writing again.

      Liked by 1 person

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